Working at a leading tech company
Headquarters Canada
Beckhoff Automation Ltd.
Working at a leading tech company
Automation technology plays a major role in today’s world because it ensures progress in almost all areas of life – from energy generation, building automation and classical mechanical engineering to medical technology and the pharmaceutical industry. In stage and theater technology it makes spectacular shows possible, and in process technology our products allow engineers to implement intrinsically safe equipment concepts. These are just a few areas in which our technology is being used. Our employees constantly come up with new inventions and innovations. They are the foundation of our success and ensure that we can grow in a healthy and sustainable manner. While Beckhoff is known all over the world as a technology leader in PC-based control technology, we never forget our deep roots in our home region of Eastern Westphalia.
Once dominated by conventional programmable logic controllers, the automation market was revolutionized by Beckhoff in the mid-1980s with our PC-based control technology, and we have continued to set industry standards with our pioneering developments ever since. Our product range spans the main areas of industrial PCs, I/O and fieldbus components, drive technology, automation software, control cabinet-free automation, and hardware for machine vision. These are exciting prospects not only for our employees, who have the opportunity to work in an infinite number of exciting fields, but also for our customers, who can count on our future-oriented concepts to successfully control and automate their applications. This also puts our customers that all-important step ahead of their competitors.
Automation is a future-proof market because it plays an ever-increasing role in a rapidly changing world. Our customers, who range from small and medium-sized companies to giant enterprises, operate in a wide range of industries, which makes us crisis-proof and independent as a business. As an economically sound global player that grows consistently, harmoniously and organically using its own resources, we offer our employees secure jobs with broad development opportunities and the ability to take on responsibility and play an active role in shaping our company.
Our corporate culture, which is strongly influenced by our founder and managing owner Hans Beckhoff, is characterized by open interaction and a family-oriented atmosphere in which work is fun. Addressing each other by first names affirms our team spirit and underscores the friendly and respectful way in which we deal with each other. The result is a working atmosphere that makes everyone comfortable. It should therefore come as no surprise that we have a very stable team and that many employees stay with us for their entire professional career once they have decided to join Beckhoff.
Trust reduces complexity – that’s the motto based on which managing director Hans Beckhoff runs his family-owned company. To allow innovative ideas to blossom, our employees have the freedom they need to develop and contribute their skills in accordance with their personal interests and capabilities. Uncomplicated procedures and flat hierarchies make our everyday work easier and more efficient.
Beckhoff has always been characterized by its employees’ passion for technology, openness to innovation, creativity, and willingness to perform. All our employees get the opportunity to advance their knowledge and become true experts in their respective field of interest. These values we also want to convey to our next generation of specialists, which is why we began already in the 1980s to train people in various technical and commercial fields. And as of 2010 we have also been offering work-integrated study programs in engineering in cooperation with the Gütersloh Campus of Hochschule Bielefeld – University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSBI).
Environmental protection and sustainability are important to us. Automation technology contributes to social progress by helping companies to manufacture goods in a resource- and energy-efficient manner. We also continuously improve our own manufacturing facilities and office buildings as well as our everyday operations to make them more sustainable and energy-efficient. We even help nature by keeping our own beehives. And to compensate for the kind of CO2 emissions which are unavoidable, we support the myclimate gGmbH organization. These are just two examples of our diverse commitment to a more sustainable world.