
TRUK3030-1000 | TwinCAT 3 PLC programming


This course focusses on PLC programming andhardware configuration using the TwinCAT 3platform. Participants will learn about PLCprogramming with TwinCAT 3 and how toconfigure the hardware of a system using theVisual Studio shell. The training is based on theIEC 61131-3 standard. Advanced options such asobject-oriented extensions of the IEC standard,module generation in C++ or high-level languagevisualisation interfaces are deliberately notincluded.


Understand the particular parts ofTwinCAT 3 studied:

  • navigate TwinCAT 3 Visual Studio shell
  • navigate and configure TwinCAT Scope
  • configure fieldbus and hardware
  • understand ADS
  • understand how to use the Beckhoffdocumentation
  • fault-finding using Beckhoff documentationby applying the correct document to the fault
  • be able to recreate the programs/systemsstudied after the completion of the course


  • Knowledge of programming and PC literacy


Day one

  • TwinCAT 3 installation
  • Quick start
  • Visualizations
  • Programming basics

Day two

  • Programming basics continued
  • Measurement projects
  • Deploying on to real hardware
  • EtherCAT configuration and diagnostics
Ordering information
TwinCAT 3 PLC programming
Ordering number
Training duration
2/3 days, taking place from 9:15 a.m.–5:00 p.m.