EtherCAT plug-in modules for the semiconductor industry
from standard EtherCAT I/Os to safety I/Os

Abrasion-free wafer transport with XPlanar

Huvudkontor Sverige
Beckhoff Automation AB
from standard EtherCAT I/Os to safety I/Os
EtherCAT is well established in the semiconductor industry: twelve of the thirteen market-leading manufacturers of wafer-level production equipment are members of the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) and use EtherCAT in their machines and systems. Industry leader Applied Materials was a founding member of the ETG and is represented on the association's Board. Large semiconductor manufacturers are now prescribing EtherCAT for their new production facilities. EtherCAT is the SEMI™ standard, and the ETG's very active Semiconductor Technical Working Group has developed a whole range of industry-specific device profiles. Safety over EtherCAT has also found its way into the fabs.
Beckhoff is the inventor of EtherCAT and a pioneer in PC-based control as well as modular I/O components. No other manufacturer has more EtherCAT expertise or offers a greater variety of EtherCAT devices. TwinCAT is the gold standard for EtherCAT masters, and of course every EtherCAT device supplier uses the TwinCAT software as reference.
Our solutions are represented in the entire spectrum of the semiconductor industry: whether front-end or back-end, whether chips or photovoltaics, from wafer transport to assembly systems. We have the right I/O modules, scalable controllers, powerful drive technology and compelling software solutions for all applications – naturally combined with EtherCAT, the must-have in this industry. As a reliable partner to the semiconductor industry, we are also familiar with the special requirements of this industry, such as "copy exact".
Beckhoff launched EtherCAT in 2003. The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) was established with the support of 33 founding members, including Applied Materials. Since then the ETG has been dealing with the standardization and maintenance of the technology. With more than 6,000 members, the ETG is now the world's largest industrial fieldbus user organization. In 2005, the Safety over EtherCAT protocol supplemented the EtherCAT specification with the capability to transmit safety-relevant data. The protocol is particularly lean in its implementation, but completely independent of the communication system used (black channel). In 2007, EtherCAT became the IEC standard and the SEMI™ standard. 2011 saw the launch of ETG's Semiconductor Technical Working Group, in which users and manufacturers develop and maintain special device profiles for the semiconductor industry in 11 task groups. This guarantees the openness of the system and demonstrates its high acceptance in the semiconductor industry. To this day, the EtherCAT specification has never been changed, only extended in a compatible manner. This means that today's devices can still be operated in networks dating back to 2003, so there are no versioning problems.
In 2016, the EtherCAT P extension set a further milestone with the transfer of EtherCAT communication and supply voltage (2 x 24 V) on a standard Ethernet cable. This concept became the basis for machines without control cabinets. In 2018, a big step towards higher transfer rates was taken with EtherCAT G/G10. The integration of the existing EtherCAT device range is a main requirement. Among other things, the branch concept was introduced for this purpose.
Exceptional performance
EtherCAT is by far the fastest industrial Ethernet technology. Added to this is the outstanding synchronization accuracy in the order of nanoseconds. Of course, all applications in which control or measurement tasks are performed via the bus benefit from this. Thanks to the significantly reduced response time, all applications in which switching conditions occur are also more efficient. In addition, the EtherCAT system architecture reduces the load on the controller: with the same cycle time, CPU load reductions of 25 to 30 % are typical compared to other bus systems. Used correctly, the EtherCAT performance leads to higher accuracy and higher throughput and thus lower costs.
Flexible topology
With EtherCAT, the system structure determines the network topology, not the bus system. No switches or hubs are required, which means there is no limit with regard to cascading. There are no restrictions in terms of the bus topology with EtherCAT: line, tree, star, and any combination thereof are possible, with almost any number of nodes. Thanks to automatic link detection, nodes and network segments can be disconnected and reconnected during operation, even at another point in the network. For line redundancy, the line is complemented to form a ring. On the master side, in addition to software only a second Ethernet port is required for this purpose; slave devices support redundancy in any case. This also makes it possible to replace devices during operation.
Simple and robust
Configuration, diagnostics and maintenance are significant cost factors. EtherCAT greatly simplifies these tasks: if desired, EtherCAT assigns node addresses automatically, without the need for manual intervention. Low bus load and a peer-to-peer setup maximize electromagnetic compatibility. Any faults are not only reliably detected, but also precisely located. This shortens the time required for troubleshooting. Deviations from the planned layout are immediately detected by means of a target/actual comparison on system startup. The outstanding EtherCAT performance also comes in handy for the configuration: in contrast to other systems, no network tuning is required. And thanks to the large bandwidth, the system can easily cope with additional TCP/IP traffic. Since EtherCAT itself is not TCP/IP-based, there is no need to manage MAC or IP addresses, nor a need for IT experts to handle switch or router configuration.
Integrated safety
Functional safety as an integral part of the network architecture can easily be achieved with Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE). The technology is tried and tested, as evidenced by the fact that TÜV-certified devices have been available since 2005. FSoE meets the requirements of SIL 3 and SEMI™ S2 and is suitable for both centralized and decentralized safety controllers. Thanks to its black channel approach and a particularly compact safety container, FSoE can also be used on other buses. The integrated approach and the lean protocol result in low system costs. Non-safe control systems may “listen in” and evaluate the safety-relevant data.
Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE, Fail Safe over EtherCAT) defines open, safe transmission and enables much more flexible safety solutions than conventional hardware interlocks. The technology certified by TÜV is internationally standardized in IEC 61784-3 and meets the requirements of IEC 61508 up to SIL 3 as well as the SEMI™ S2 Guideline. In Safety over EtherCAT, the transport medium is regarded as a “black channel”; the FSoE protocol can therefore be transferred via any communication technology, i.e. EtherCAT or Ethernet, and also via standard fieldbus systems such as CAN or wireless connections. FSoE ideally complements the open EtherCAT technology and guarantees high-performance transfer of control and safety information via the same communication system.
Benefits of FSoE in the semiconductor industry:
Beckhoff helps to reduce costs in the semiconductor industry with the EtherCAT plug-in modules from the EJ series: compact, high-volume I/O modules replace application-specific I/O boards, while signal distribution is handled by easy-to-develop passive circuit boards. At the same time, the system integrates functional safety and small drive controllers, thus opening up new possibilities for more compact and simpler yet more flexible designs. The EtherCAT plug-in modules are electronically based on the well-known EtherCAT I/O system and their design allows them to be directly attached to a circuit board. The circuit board distributes signals and power supply to individual application-specific plug connectors. Costly manual single-wire assembly, as is common in conventional control cabinet construction, is a thing of the past thanks to ready-made cables and cable harnesses. Unit costs are lowered and the risk of incorrect wiring is reduced to a minimum by coded components.
The EtherCAT plug-in modules are based on the EtherCAT Terminals, whose broad variety of signals they also provide, including functional safety (FSoE, TwinSAFE). Even drive controllers for servomotors and stepper motors up to 200 W are available in this design. The electromechanical design enables the modules to be plugged directly into an application-specific signal distribution board with outsourced wiring level. This PCB distributes signals and power supply to individual connectors. The combination of I/O modules, signal distribution board and pre-assembled cables implements the plug-and-work idea consistently.
Compact design
The EJ modules are extremely compact, measuring just 12 x 55 x 66 mm. Compared to the EtherCAT Terminals they are almost 50 % smaller by volume, thus optimizing the machine footprint. In conjunction with coding holes in the signal distribution board, coding pins on the underside of the EJ modules offer the option of providing protection against incorrect connection. The risk of errors can thus be considerably reduced during assembly and service.
Optimized for the semiconductor industry
The EJ plug-in modules and the plug level for sensors and actuators can be placed flexibly on the signal distribution board. A signal distribution board can be developed by the user, a service provider or by Beckhoff as a custom solution. It is also possible to integrate the EJ modules into a very compact housing, which can be placed even in the smallest installation space available in the tool.
The EJ1101-0022 modular coupler for housing feed-throughs can be connected to external RJ45 sockets for EtherCAT connection and to optional ID switches for address setting. The connected components can thus be freely positioned on the signal distribution board and simply serve as housing feed-through for external connection or address setting. In combination with the plug-in power supply modules for the E-bus supply, the E-bus current can be supplied specifically by two different performance classes 2.5 A (EJ9400) and 12 A (EJ9404).
The circuit boards of the EJ system provide a prefabricated and pluggable EtherCAT I/O system that perfectly meets the requirements of the semiconductor industry: compact design, significantly fewer unused I/O channels than with previous solutions thanks to the modular approach, integration of functional safety and drive technology as well as reduced system installation time and testing effort – realized with high-quality electronics from one of the leading I/O manufacturers!
The integrated TwinSAFE safety solution is the logical continuation of our open PC-based control philosophy. Thanks to their modularity and versatility, the TwinSAFE components fit seamlessly into existing EtherCAT control systems.
The TwinSAFE system enables integration into all applications, thereby contributing to breaking down the previously strict separation between “safety” and “non-safety” through system integration in all environments. At the same time, TwinSAFE offers impressive flexibility and scalability. All safety functions can be integrated into any conceivable control architecture: from stand-alone control systems, small control systems and “conventional” solutions to distributed control systems and software control systems that can meet even the most complex requirements. Machine manufacturers and system integrators thus get a tailored safety package that exactly meets their requirements. Unnecessary costs for incorrectly dimensioned safety solutions are avoided.
Thanks to the flexibility of Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE), the actual machine controller does not have to be designed as a safety controller: the safety application is executed in TwinSAFE logic-capable components, of which a wide range is available. The TwinSAFE system also offers a suitable selection of safe input, output, and mixed components, so that the solution can easily be adapted to specific requirements. The TwinSAFE system can meet all requirements, from application in control cabinets in the form of EtherCAT Terminals, to application directly in the field in the form of EtherCAT Box modules, through to application in series machines in the form of EtherCAT EJ plug-in modules.
In the field of drive technology, too, solutions without safety functionality are hardly conceivable anymore. We therefore started integrating safety functions into our drive systems at an early stage – in both standard and compact drive technology. In the field of engineering, Beckhoff has already merged the safety-related and non-safety-related tool landscape. All applications can be configured and programmed with the universal tool palette. The TwinCAT Safety Editor is a freely-definable editor that facilitates the implementation of a safety application with the aid of certified function blocks. The certified application manual offers optimum support in the design and implementation of a safety application.
Machine manufacturers and users benefit from our comprehensive and long-standing safety expertise. The complete safety know-how is available in-house at Beckhoff and can be called upon by customers in each individual TwinSAFE solution. Here, too, the focus is on the principle of openness. The Safety over EtherCAT (FSoE) safe communication protocol is internationally certified and does not impose any restrictions whatsoever on the transmission medium.
Your benefits from full integration:
Flexibility in finding solutions with TwinSAFE:
With its continuously expanding measurement technology portfolio, we cover the full range of measurement technology requirements in the semiconductor industry: from second-cycle to the kHz range, from measurement of voltage and current to vibrations and force measurement. IP20 components read the sensors from the control cabinet. The high-end measurement modules of the ELM device series are seamlessly integrated into the EtherCAT I/O system and also cover those process-critical measuring channels for which the standard analog technology in the EL terminal system is not suitable. The measurement modules of the Basic line are designed for capturing highly dynamic processes with high measuring accuracy, and simultaneously across all channels and modules. The Economy line is designed to capture less dynamic processes. Integrated 24 V sensor supply and 24 V power contacts reduce the wiring effort in the control cabinet. With its enormous temperature stability of 100 ppm in the temperature range typical for control cabinets, the Economy line even outperforms the Basic line. The typical signal forms found in the semiconductor industry are of course available. Both product lines support EtherCAT features such as the Distributed Clocks time stamping in the ns format and bus diagnostics.
Ideally, the modules are supplied from system components such as the EtherCAT Coupler EKM1101. Integrated diagnostic functions ensure reliable measurements.
Your benefits with Beckhoff measurement modules:
XPlanar combines many advantages of conventional transport technologies in one system and adds a floating effect to product transport. This results in a wide range of new options for handling wafers and other products within a tool and also between several machines: Since the system works contactless, no abrasion occurs.
Similar to automated guided vehicle systems, the user benefits from the freedom of movement of the object carriers: parts can be transported to any location via any route. XPlanar combines this flexibility with the dynamics of conventional linear motors and offers added value through cycle-time-optimized linking of individual production steps. XPlanar significantly simplifies individual production steps, because the degrees of freedom and accuracy familiar from robotics can also be used here for product transport. The concept of product positioning during processing is applied to the transport system. The floating effect replaces all mechanical guide components and drastically reduces cleaning and maintenance costs.
Principle of operation
XPlanar consists of a planar motor which, like rotary motors, consists of several stationary, energized coils (tiles), and movable permanent magnets (movers). In contrast to rotary motors, both the coils and the permanent magnets are arranged two-dimensionally in a plane. The tiles are the electrically active parts of the system. The outstanding current control of the coils makes the movers float above the tiles. The robust housing of the tiles contains all the components required for controlled floating in a compact installation space.
The movers are electrically passive and particularly resistant to wear. No external systems for position detection of the movers or additional power supply units are required. In addition to tiles and movers, the only other component required for operation is a Beckhoff Industrial PC with the corresponding automation software TwinCAT.
Flexible parts transport without abrasion
The movers transport each part through the machine on individually defined routes. Individual production steps can be linked with each other as required, making rigid station sequences a thing of the past. The movements of the individual movers are completely decoupled from each other: the products may overtake each other, and they can be discharged or buffered, e.g., for cooling, without affecting the production flow. Simultaneous production of different formats is possible thanks to the availability of different mover sizes in one system. The range extends from small and light to large movers designed for higher payloads.
Exceptional dynamics and robotic precision qualify XPlanar as an efficient positioning system for processing different batch sizes and product variants. The movers navigate complex XY geometries, which are defined individually for each product.
Application-specific machine layout
XPlanar offers users revolutionary freedom in designing individual machine layouts. The XPlanar tiles can be laid freely in a plane. Suitable geometries can be selected with hardly any restrictions. Rectangular arrangements, circles or tree-like structures can be realized. The machine design entirely follows the function required by the user. The size of the XPlanar system always matches the requirements. Overhead avoidance saves valuable production space.
Minimum cleaning and maintenance effort
XPlanar is characterized by minimal cleaning and maintenance effort. No mechanical components are used to connect the tiles and the movers. In contrast to conventional transport systems, no guide rails, rollers or lubrication systems are required. The time required for regular maintenance intervals is reduced to a fraction, which significantly increases the system availability. The absence of mechanical components simplifies system cleaning, which is an additional benefit. All tile and mover surfaces are smooth and easy to reach. For use in particularly demanding environments, the XPlanar tiles can be covered with stainless steel, glass or plastic to protect them from aggressive cleaning processes. Of course, this does not affect the floating properties of the XPlanar movers.
Semiconductor manufacturing systems are usually equipped with many servomotors and stepper motors, each with relatively low power. Conventionally these are controlled by special drive controllers. Beckhoff enables this functionality to be integrated directly into the modular I/O stations. This saves space and reduces complexity.
For the low voltage range up to 48 V DC we offer a modular system for compact servo and stepper motor drive solutions. Together with the AM8100 motor series, the EJ72xx EtherCAT plug-in modules, EL72xx servo terminals or the EP72xx series EtherCAT Box modules form an extremely small, highly dynamic servo axis that is suitable for precise positioning applications with One Cable Technology (OCT) and multi-turn absolute value encoder. The safety-related function STO (Safe Torque Off) is offered as an option for compact drive technology.
The AS2000 and AS1000 stepper motors can be operated in conjunction with the EJ70xx plug-in modules or the EL70xx Bus Terminals in IP20 or with IP67 EtherCAT Box modules as an adjustable axis, optionally with or without feedback. The AS2000 stepper motors are characterized by a high degree of protection and integrated connection technology.
The AMI8100 series combines the servomotor with an integrated high-efficiency servo drive. As an EtherCAT slave, the AMI8100 can be placed directly on the machine without control cabinet and without upstream I/O level, whereby compact machines without control cabinets can be implemented. The monitoring is indicated by the integrated status LEDs. The safety-related function STO (Safe Torque Off) is offered as an option for compact drive technology.
The low-backlash economy planetary gear units from the AG2250 series, in straight and angled versions are with a variety of transmission ratios an economical solution for all mechanical engineering requirements. They are optimally matched to our AM8100 and AS2000 products. Special AG1000 series planetary gear units are available for the AS1000 stepper motors.
A comprehensive and optimally matched range of accessories complements the compact drive technology portfolio. The motion software products offer optimum support in the selection and commissioning of suitable hardware components for your drive solution.
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