The One Cable Display Link
Headquarters Singapore
Beckhoff Automation Pte. Ltd.
The One Cable Display Link
To match the scalable Industrial PC portfolio, the Beckhoff Control Panels offer a large choice of display sizes as well as mounting and connection options. The remote operating units are connected to the Industrial PC via USB and DVI. Due to the DVI/USB extended technology in Beckhoff Control Panels, the operating unit and Industrial PC can be placed 50 meters apart and are thus particularly suitable for industrial applications.
The CP-Link 4 technology allows the distance between Control Panel and Industrial PC to be increased to up to 100 meters. Apart from the long transmission distance, CP-Link 4 also offers the advantage that the cabling work is reduced. There is a choice of two variants: With CP-Link 4 − The Two Cable Display Link – there is a possibility to integrate the transmission electronics directly in the Industrial PC. The two-cable solution transmits the video signal and USB 2.0 in one Cat.6A cable. Power is supplied via a connector. CP-Link 4 – The One Cable Display Link – offers the possibility as a one-cable solution to transmit the power supply in addition to the video signal and USB 2.0 in a single Cat.6A cable. Both variants greatly reduce cable and assembly costs.
The CP-Link 4 technology is supported by the Beckhoff CP29xx-0010 multi-touch Control Panel series for installation in the control cabinet panel, CP39xx-0010 for mounting arm installation and CPX39xx-0010 for use in potentially explosive atmospheres of Zone 2/22.
In addition to DVI and USB signals, voltage can also be supplied with CP-Link 4 – The One Cable Display Link. The CU8803 CP-Link 4 transmitter box is used on the transmit side. It is supplied with voltage and the USB and DVI signals and can be connected directly to the Control Panel via a Cat.6A cable.
The CP29xx-0010 built-in multi-touch panels, the CP39xx-0010 multi-touch panels for mounting arm installation and the CPX39xx-0010 multi-touch panels for use in potentially explosive atmospheres of Zone 2/22 feature integrated receive electronics. The power supply socket at the panel is not used.
Both DVI and USB signals can be transmitted with CP-Link 4 – the Two Cable Display Link – via one Cat.6A cable. The CU8802 transmitter box, which is connected via USB and DVI to any Industrial PC, can be used on the transmit side.
Alternatively, the C9900-E276 transmitter module can be integrated directly in an Industrial PC with a PCIe module slot, thus further reducing the space requirement.
The CP29xx-0010 built-in multi-touch panels, the CP39xx-0010 multi-touch panels for mounting arm installation and the CPX39xx-0010 multi-touch panels for use in potentially explosive atmospheres of Zone 2/22 already have the receive electronics integrated and can be operated up to 100 m away from the PC.
The Control Panel series CP29xx and CP39xx in diagonals from 7 to 24 inches offer modern multi-touch technology and flexible connection technology for distances of up to 100 meters.
With CP-Link 4, the distance between Control Panel and Industrial PC can be up to 100 m. With the one-cable solution, the video signal, USB 2.0, and the power supply are transmitted in a single Cat. 6A cable.
With CP-Link 4, the distance between Control Panel and Industrial PC can be up to 100 m. With the one-cable solution, the video signal, USB 2.0, and the power supply are transmitted in a single Cat. 6A cable.
With CP-Link 4, the distance between Control Panel and Industrial PC can be up to 100 m. With the one-cable solution, the video signal, USB 2.0, and the power supply are transmitted in a single Cat. 6A cable.