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CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interfaceNew

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

CP6900-1400, CP6906-1400 | Stainless steel economy built-in Control Panel with DVI/USB Extended interface

The CP6900-1400 and CP6906-1400 economy Control Panels in stainless steel finish supplement the Industrial PC entry level class by two built-in Control Panels with DVI/USB Extended interface. The Panels are designed for installation in the front of a control cabinet and have a 7-inch or 10.1-inch touch screen display. In combination with the compact Embedded PCs from the CX series or the Industrial PCs of the type C6xxx, a low-cost PC/panel system results. A 24 V power supply unit is included with the Control Panel. The integrated DVI/USB Extended technology enables the Panel to be positioned up to 50 m from the PC.

Advantage at the very core: the Beckhoff Industrial PCs

Beckhoff is a pioneer in PC-based automation technology and has been developing and producing its own PC hardware since 1986. The technology know-how that has grown over the past decades is incorporated today into all Beckhoff Industrial PCs. Their principle feature is the use of state-of-the-art components and processors of the highest performance class. Combined with a high in-house production depth, including proprietary motherboard production, long-term component availability, extremely flexible configuration and customer-specific adaptations, Beckhoff presents itself today as one of the world's leading Industrial PC manufacturers.

Product status:

regular delivery

Product variantsTransmission technologyProduct status
CP6900-1400-0010DVI/USB Extended 2.0regular delivery
CP6906-1400-0010DVI/USB Extended 2.0regular delivery

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