The TwinCAT 3 Filter Designer is a graphic engineering tool for determining the coefficients of digital filters. In Microsoft Visual Studio® it integrates seamlessly with the existing TwinCAT 3 engineering environment.
Selectable filter designs are Butterworth, Chebyshev and Inverse-Chebyshev, while the possible filter types are lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop. The filter coefficients can be modified graphically or by means of a tabular specification. Once the filter coefficients have been determined, they can be used in the PLC as an input for digital filter function blocks or transferred into the ELM measurement modules by drag and drop. Each channel of an ELM measurement module has two freely configurable digital filters connected in series, which as a result are very easy to adjust using the Filter Designer.
More information on our webpage for measurement and testing technology.
Product status:
regular delivery
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