
Oficina central México
Beckhoff Automation, S.A. de C.V.

Boulevard Manuel Ávila Camacho 2610, Torre B, Piso 9, Colonia Valle de los Pinos, Tlalnepantla de Baz
Estado de México CP 54040, México

+52 55 75998058

TFxxxx | TwinCAT 3 Functions

Functions | System

Functions | System

Operating system Engineering/Runtime TwinCAT 3 level
TwinCAT 3 Controller Redundancy TF1100
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…84
TwinCAT 3 UI Client TF1200 New
Windows 10, Windows 11, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Runtime for MATLAB® and Simulink® TF1400
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Runtime for FMI TF1420
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 PLC HMI TF1800
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 PLC HMI Web TF1810
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 UML TF1910
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Engineering, Runtime 20…94

Functions | HMI

Functions | HMI

Operating system Engineering/Runtime TwinCAT 3 level
TwinCAT 3 HMI Server TF2000
Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 HMI Clients Packs TF20x0
Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 HMI Targets Pack TF20xx
Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
Windows 10, Windows 11, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 HMI Extension SDK TF2200
Windows 10, Windows 11, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 HMI Scope TF2300
Windows 10, Windows 11 Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 HMI Audit Trail TF2400
Windows 10, Windows 11, TwinCAT/BSD Engineering/Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 HMI Audit Trail Symbols Pack TF24x0
Windows 10, Windows 11, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94

Functions | Measurement

Functions | Measurement

Operating system Engineering/Runtime TwinCAT 3 level
TwinCAT 3 Scope Server TF3300
Windows 7, Windows 10 Engineering, Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Analytics Logger TF3500
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Analytics Library TF3510
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Analytics Storage Provider TF3520
Windows 7, Windows 10 Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime TF3550
Windows 7, Windows 10 Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Analytics Runtime Base TF3551
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Condition Monitoring TF3600
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Power Monitoring TF3650
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Filter TF3680
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Weighing Library TF3685
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 30…94
TwinCAT 3 Interface for LabVIEW™ TF3710
Windows 7, Windows 10 Runtime 30…94
TwinCAT 3 Machine Learning Inference Engine TF3800
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Neural Network Inference Engine TF3810
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Machine Learning Server TF3820
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Machine Learning Server Client TF3830
Windows 7, Windows 10 Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Solar Position Algorithm TF3900
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94

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Functions | Controller

Functions | Controller

Operating system Engineering/Runtime TwinCAT 3 level
TwinCAT 3 Controller Toolbox TF4100
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 10…94
TwinCAT 3 Temperature Controller TF4110
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 10…94
TwinCAT 3 TwinCAT Speech TF4500
Windows 10 Runtime 40…94

Functions | Motion

Functions | Motion

Operating system Engineering/Runtime TwinCAT 3 level
TwinCAT 3 NC PTP 10 Axes TF5000
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 30…94
TwinCAT 3 NC PTP Axes Pack 25 TF5010
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 NC PTP Axes Pack unlimited TF5020
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 NC Camming TF5050
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 NC Flying Saw TF5055
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 NC FIFO Axes TF5060
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Motion Control XFC TF5065
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 NC I TF5100
Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L1 TF5110
Windows 10 Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L2 TF5111
Windows 10 Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L3 TF5112
Windows 10 Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Kinematic Transformation L4 TF5113
Windows 10 Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Robotics mxAutomation TF5120
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Robotics uniVAL PLC TF5130
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC TF5200
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC E TF5210
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Axes Pack 64 TF5220
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Axes Pack unlimited TF5221
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Measurement TF5225
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Channel Pack TF5230
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Transformation TF5240
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Kinematic Optimization TF5245
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC HSC Pack TF5250
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Spline Interpolation TF5260
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Realtime Cycles TF5261
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Online Adaption TF5262 New
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Extended Interpolation TF5263 New
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Virtual NCK Basis TF5270
Windows 10 Other 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Virtual NCK Options TF5271
Windows 10 Other 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Volumetric Compensation TF5280
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Cutting Plus TF5290
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC AM Plus TF5291 New
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC EDM Plus TF5292 New
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 CNC Milling Base TF5293
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Motion Collision Avoidance TF5410
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Motion Pick-and-Place TF5420
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Planar Motion TF5430
Windows 10 Runtime 70…84
TwinCAT 3 Hydraulic Positioning TF5810
Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 30…94
TwinCAT 3 XTS Extension TF5850
Windows 10 Engineering, Runtime 70…84
TwinCAT 3 XPlanar TF5890
Windows 10 Engineering, Runtime 70…84

Functions | Connectivity

Functions | Connectivity

Operating system Engineering/Runtime TwinCAT 3 level
TwinCAT 3 ADS Monitor TF6010
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Engineering 40…94
TwinCAT 3 JSON Data Interface TF6020
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 OPC UA TF6100
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Engineering, Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 OPC UA Pub/Sub TF6105
Windows 10 Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Redundancy 250 TF6220
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT External Sync TF6225
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) TF6230
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Modbus TCP TF6250
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Modbus RTU TF6255
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 10…94
TwinCAT 3 PROFINET RT Device TF6270
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 PROFINET RT Controller TF6271
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 EtherNet/IP Adapter TF6280
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 EtherNet/IP Scanner TF6281
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 FTP Client TF6300
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 TCP/IP TF6310
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 TCP/UDP Realtime TF6311
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 30…94
TwinCAT 3 Serial Communication TF6340
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 10…94
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Virtual Serial COM TF6360
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Database Server TF6420
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Engineering, Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 XML Server TF6421
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 IEC 60870-5-10x TF6500
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 IEC 61850/IEC 61400-25 TF6510
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Engineering, Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 RFID Reader Communication TF6600
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 S7 Communication TF6620
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 DBC File Import for CAN TF6650
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Engineering, Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 FDT ComDTM TF6680
Windows 7, Windows 10 Engineering
TwinCAT 3 IoT Communication (MQTT) TF6701
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 10…94
TwinCAT 3 IoT Functions TF6710
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 IoT Data Agent TF6720
Windows 7, Windows 10 Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 IoT Communicator TF6730
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 10…94
TwinCAT 3 IoT Communicator App TF6735
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 IoT WebSockets TF6770
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 IoT OCPP TF6771
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 20…94

Functions | Vision

Functions | Vision

Operating system Engineering/Runtime TwinCAT 3 level
TwinCAT 3 GigE Vision Connector TF700x
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Vision Beckhoff Camera Connector TF7020
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Vision Base TF7100
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Vision Matching 2D TF7200
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Vision Code Reading TF7250
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Vision Code Quality TF7255
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Vision OCR TF7260
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Vision Metrology 2D TF7300
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Vision Machine Learning TF7800
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94
TwinCAT 3 Vision Neural Network TF7810
Windows 10 Runtime 50…94

Functions | Industry-specific

Functions | Industry-specific

Operating system Engineering/Runtime TwinCAT 3 level
TwinCAT 3 BACnet TF8020
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 30…94
TwinCAT 3 Building Automation TF8040
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Lighting Solution TF8050
Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows CE Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Wind Framework TF8310
Windows 7, Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…84
TwinCAT 3 Power Collector TF8330 New
Windows 11, TwinCAT/BSD, Linux® Runtime 20…94
TwinCAT 3 Power Technologies TF8350 New
Windows 11, TwinCAT/BSD, Linux® Runtime 30…94
TwinCAT 3 Power Control TF8360 New
Windows 11, TwinCAT/BSD, Linux® Runtime 20…50
TwinCAT 3 MTP Runtime TF8400
Windows 7, Windows 10 Runtime 40…94
TwinCAT 3 Plastic Processing Framework TF8540
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 30…80
TwinCAT 3 Plastic HMI Framework TF8550
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 50…80
TwinCAT 3 Plastic Technology Functions TF8560
Windows 10, TwinCAT/BSD Runtime 40…80
TwinCAT 3 AES70 (OCA) TF8810
Windows 7, Windows 10 Runtime 20…94