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Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

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TE1111 | TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Simulation

TE1111 | TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Simulation

TE1111 | TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Simulation

TE1111 | TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Simulation

TE1111 | TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Simulation

Virtual machine commissioning becomes possible if the EtherCAT cable of the machine computer is simply plugged into a simulation computer, without the need for reconfiguration. With the TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Simulation function and a network adapter the simulation computer can simulate a number of EtherCAT slaves. For configuration purposes the EtherCAT slaves of the original machine configuration are inverted. All EtherCAT features necessary for machine simulation are modeled – including distributed clocks. Since the communication protocols CoE and SoE are implemented, acyclic commands can also be processed in the simulation environment.

Download note: Please license only, it is included in the installation of TwinCAT 3.1 - eXtended Automation Engineering (XAE).

Product status:

regular delivery

Product information

Technical dataTE1111
Required licenseTC1000
Operating systemWindows 7, Windows 10
Ordering information
TE1111TwinCAT 3 EtherCAT Simulation

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