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ZB3180 | 9-pin D-sub connector (RS232/RS485) with switchable termination resistor

ZB3180 | 9-pin D-sub connector (RS232/RS485) with switchable termination resistor

ZB3180 | 9-pin D-sub connector (RS232/RS485) with switchable termination resistor

ZB3180 | 9-pin D-sub connector (RS232/RS485) with switchable termination resistor

ZB3180 | 9-pin D-sub connector (RS232/RS485) with switchable termination resistor

9-pin D-sub connector for CX8x80/CX7080 (RS232/RS485) with switchable termination resistor

Product status:

regular delivery

Product information

Technical dataZB3180
Installation sizeD-sub
Connector typeplug
Number of positions (face)9-pin
Max. cable outer diameter8.5 mm
Body colorblack
Ordering information
ZB31809-pin D-sub connector for CX8x80/CX7080 (RS232/RS485) with switchable termination resistor

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