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#29.05, Tòa nhà Pearl Plaza, 561A, Đường Điện Biên Phủ
Phường 25, Quận Bình Thạnh
Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

+84 28 7300-2439

ZB8500 | Clamp strap for shield connection

ZB8500 | Clamp strap for shield connection

ZB8500 | Clamp strap for shield connection

ZB8500 | Clamp strap for shield connection

ZB8500 | Clamp strap for shield connection

The shielding connection system enables the shielding to be located very close to the terminals of the shielded line, so that interference is reduced to a minimum. A shield busbar for attachment with a bracket for separate mounting in the control cabinet are available.

Product status:

regular delivery

Product information

Ordering information
ZB8500clamp strap for shield connection with knurled screw, width 11 mm, shield diameter max. 8 mm, packaging unit = 10 pieces

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