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Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

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C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx with C9900-G02x push-button extension

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx with C9900-G02x push-button extension

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx with C9900-G02x push-button extension

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx

C9900-M361 | Handle at the bottom of the CP3xxx with C9900-G02x push-button extension

The optional C9900-M361 handle for Beckhoff CP3xxx Panel PCs or Control Panels allows a comfortable adjusting of the position and tilt of the panel. The handle is made of aluminum and its high-quality design matches the panel series. The handle has a width of 386 mm. This option can be retrofitted to or removed from a CP3xxx-16xx panel. For all other CP3xxx Panel PCs and Control Panels the option can be ordered ex works.

Product status:

regular delivery

Product information

Ordering informationHandle option for CP3xxx
C9900-M361Handle, length: 386 mm, aluminum, anodized
– ex works for CP3x12 to CP3x24, mounted under a Control Panel or Panel PC
– for subsequent assembly for CP3xxx-1600

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