Tách raSửaĐóng

Văn Phòng Đại Diện tại Việt Nam

#29.05, Tòa nhà Pearl Plaza, 561A, Đường Điện Biên Phủ
Phường 25, Quận Bình Thạnh
Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

+84 28 7300-2439

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

AL225x-000x | Connector box (service phase)

Connector box for AX5000 to connect motor, encoder and thermal protection cable

Product status:

Service phase

Product information

Ordering informationEasily connecting motor, encoder and thermal protection contact cable with AX5000 and AX8000 Servo Drive
AL2250-0001connector box for linear motors and AX5000, suitable for following types: AL20xx-000x-0000, AL24xx-000x-0000, AL2812-000x-0000, AL2815-000x-0000, AL2818-100x-0000, AL2830-0001-0000, AL2830-x000-0000, AL38xx-000x-000x
AL2250-0002connector box for linear motors and AX8000, suitable for following types: AL20xx-000x-0000, AL24xx-000x-0000, AL2812-000x-0000, AL2815-000x-0000, AL2818-100x-0000, AL2830-0001-0000, AL2830-x000-0000, AL38xx-000x-000x
AL2255-0001connector box for linear motors and AX5000, suitable for following types: AL2830-1001-0000, AL2845-1000-0000
AL2256-0001connector box for linear motors and AX5000, suitable for following types: AL2845-1001-0000

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